A Cataloging of Brian's Story in Mozambique
-2 chickens in Namaacha.

On Wednesday, I finally brought to a close my unfinished business of killing a chicken. My family bought 10 chickens (frangos) to kill and prepare for the party we're having today (Saturday), which is being held in honor of my sister Lalita's 20th birthday. I killed and de-feathered two of them.

Mostly I just tried to get through it. The look on my face below is one of grim concentration. My least favorite part was picking up the chicken and pinning its legs and wings down under my feet. But my sisters Aida and Lalita coached me through everything. They made fun of my ineptitude and trepidation a little bit, but also understood why killing something for the first time was sort of a big deal, which I appreciated.

The photos below are just a little bit gory, just a heads up. Big thanks to my 8-year-old-brother photographer, Fedinho! The very last picture shows us dipping the dead chickens in boiling water so the feathers and feet skin can be pulled off easily--standard operating procedure.
Peter Kramer
11/24/2013 02:22:46 am

When you get back to the States we will be looking forward to Fresh Chicken Dinner!!!

Brian Mitterer
11/25/2013 06:47:18 pm

Haha, tell you what... if you actually raise a couple of chickens, I'll actually kill and prepare them for us to eat :)

11/24/2013 09:19:25 am

dude.. you are stronger person than I. Looks gnarly. Love reading your blog though, hope your language is coming along well. be good!

Brian Mitterer
11/25/2013 06:56:43 pm

Thanks for reading, Annie! I miss you guys in Cuenca tons. :(

I don't know how I feel about being called strong by a vegetarian for killing a chicken, haha. I think you're strong for not participating in any of it. If one day I become a vegetarian, I'll look back on this experience as a step along the way.

Estou a aumentar o meu nível de Português cada dia. Já dei umas aulas da Matemática em Português! Espero que tu também siga a melhorar com o Espanhol.

Brian Mitterer
11/25/2013 06:58:01 pm



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    Brian Mitterer

    Disclaimer: The contents of this page, and all links appearing on this page, do not represent the positions, views or intents of the U.S. Government, or the United States Peace Corps.


    September 2013

