A Cataloging of Brian's Story in Mozambique
This is long overdue. I realize many of you may be curious about what Namaacha itself looks like!
For starters, here’s my house:
Side-view of my homestay house in Namaacha. The little structure on the right is where we cook.
The fence in the foreground is the edge of my family's backyard. The barbed wire fence is the Mozambique-Swaziland border!

I live in the neighborhood Frontiera, which is basically the ritzy part of town. Here are a bunch more pictures, many taken in Frontiera but not all. Hope you enjoy, and make sure to read the captions.
11/19/2013 03:18:07 am

LOVE the photos Brian, thanks for posting!

Brian Mitterer
11/19/2013 04:01:24 pm

Thanks Tim!

11/19/2013 05:47:45 am

Hi Brian,

The older architecture all looks of a certain era. Do you know when it was built?

Brian Mitterer
11/19/2013 04:05:37 pm

Hey Mike! Most of it is leftover from the Portuguese colonial era, but I'm not actually sure when the stuff was built. There doesn't seem to be any culture of upkeeping homes here, nor frankly the materials with which to do so. The buildings are probably not as old as we'd expect.

11/19/2013 10:49:06 am

Hi Brian,

I so enjoyed the pictures and getting a glimpse into your life in Mozambique! I had a chance to show Liam too - he was really interested, especially in how different the market was in contrast to the stores he's used to. We all miss you so much - you're on our mind all the time. Much love from me, Mike, Keira, and the boys!

Brian Mitterer
11/19/2013 04:23:18 pm

Amy, so glad you enjoyed the photos and especially that Liam got interested! The boys his age here play games with marbles (not so different than Liam) and roll wheels down the street, keeping them going with sticks (way different than Liam). Wish I had a picture of that! Love you guys.

Kathy Asmuth
11/20/2013 11:19:49 am

Hi Brian. Thanks for sharing photos of your new surroundings...very interesting. Hope this finds you happy & healthy. You are in our thoughts & prayers. Much love from Cincy 💚

Brian Mitterer
11/25/2013 06:33:21 pm

Kathy, thank you so much. I'm glad that you're following along! And I hope you had a nice visit with my parents awhile back... they always have such nice things to say about you guys. :)

Peter Kramer
11/21/2013 10:37:49 am

Hi Brian,
Loved your Post and Pictures.The HIV stats are highly unlikely.But don't try your luck young man!!!
Uncle Peter

Brian Mitterer
11/25/2013 06:36:26 pm

I certainly will not be trying my luck! Still, HIV is something I think about every time I have an open wound on my hands.

Thanks for reading, Uncle Peter!

Uncle Terry
11/21/2013 03:30:58 pm

Thanks for posting, Brian! Not sure about Dorothy (she'd worry too much), but I'm pretty sure Albert would totally love what you're doing.

Brian Mitterer
11/25/2013 06:40:59 pm

Haha, do you think he would? That's really interesting. I only knew him as a grandkid knows his grandpa.

Definitely agree with you as far as Dorothy goes though :) She had a million strengths, but I'm not sure courage was at the top of the list. :)

Hope you and the family
are well!

11/23/2013 01:39:52 am

Hi Brian, hope you are doing great, I love the pictures too :-)

Brian Mitterer
11/25/2013 06:43:00 pm

Thanks Cuz! Keep reading and I'll keep posting.


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    Brian Mitterer

    Disclaimer: The contents of this page, and all links appearing on this page, do not represent the positions, views or intents of the U.S. Government, or the United States Peace Corps.


    September 2013

